The Pokémon anime series and films are a meta-series of adventures separate from the canon that most of the Pokémon video games follow (with the exception of Pokémon Yellow, a game based on the anime storyline). The anime follows the quest of the main character, Ash Ketchum (known as Satoshi in Japan) a Pokémon Master in training, as he and a small group of friends travel around the fictitious world of Pokémon along with their Pokémon partners.
The original series, titled Pocket Monsters, or simply Pokémon in western countries (often referred to as Pokémon: Gotta Catch 'Em All to distinguish it from the later series), begins with Ash's first day as a Pokémon trainer. His first (and signature) Pokémon is a Pikachu, differing from the games, where only Bulbasaur, Charmander or Squirtle could be chosen. The series follows the storyline of the original games, Pokémon Red and Blue, in the region of Kanto. Accompanying Ash on his journeys are Brock, the Pewter City Gym Leader, and Misty, the youngest of the Gym Leader sisters from Cerulean City.
Pokemon Episode 1
Pokemon Episode 2
Pokemon Episode 3
Pokemon Episode 4
Pokemon Episode 5
Pokemon Episode 6
Pokemon Episode 7
Pokemon Episode 8
Pokemon Episode 9
Pokemon Episode 10
Pokemon Episode 11
Pokemon Episode 12
Pokemon Episode 13
Pokemon Episode 14
Pokemon Episode 15
Pokemon Episode 16
Pokemon Episode 17
Pokemon Episode 18
Pokemon Episode 19
Pokemon Episode 20
Pokemon Episode 21
Pokemon Episode 22
Pokemon Episode 23
Pokemon Episode 24
Pokemon Episode 25
Pokemon Episode 26
Pokemon Episode 27
Pokemon Episode 28
Pokemon Episode 29
Pokemon Episode 30
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Some movies in order to view fully might need a instalation of a free and legimate program VEOH TV. It is a veoh video hosting site viewing program and provided faster video loading, better quality and easier to download.
The website is currently unavaible, I still don't know what the problem is but, I hope the movies hosted on there will be available soon again.
Some movies might be slow loading,so just pause them and let them load for a while before watching the movie.
Some movies in order to view fully might need a instalation of a free and legimate program VEOH TV. It is a veoh video hosting site viewing program and provided faster video loading, better quality and easier to download.
The website is currently unavaible, I still don't know what the problem is but, I hope the movies hosted on there will be available soon again.
Saturday, February 23, 2008
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its worth watching and as a kid i have enjoyed it a lot with download pokemon several defferent episodes.
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