WALL-E (promoted with an interpunct as WALL·E) is a 2008 computer-animated science fiction film produced by Pixar Animation Studios. The film was directed by Andrew Stanton. It follows the story of a robot named WALL-E who is designed to clean up a polluted Earth. He eventually falls in love with another robot named EVE, and follows her into outer space on an adventure.
Full Size: http://www.megavideo.com/ep_gr.swf?v=062ZQAF5
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Some movies might be slow loading,so just pause them and let them load for a while before watching the movie.
Some movies in order to view fully might need a instalation of a free and legimate program VEOH TV. It is a veoh video hosting site viewing program and provided faster video loading, better quality and easier to download.
The website http://youku.com is currently unavaible, I still don't know what the problem is but, I hope the movies hosted on there will be available soon again.
Some movies might be slow loading,so just pause them and let them load for a while before watching the movie.
Some movies in order to view fully might need a instalation of a free and legimate program VEOH TV. It is a veoh video hosting site viewing program and provided faster video loading, better quality and easier to download.
The website http://youku.com is currently unavaible, I still don't know what the problem is but, I hope the movies hosted on there will be available soon again.
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
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